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Facilities Planning

Room Sizes for Special Education Classrooms


Newly constructed classrooms and ancillary space for special education shall meet the following criteria:

Option Room Size Maximum Square Feet Pupil Capacity
I 770 15
II 770 15
III 450 6
IV 900 12

The various special education pupil classifications are defined in Section 200.6(f) of the Commissioner's Regulations.

Special Education Pupil Option Description
f(4) I Pupils whose education needs consist primarily of specialized instruction.
f(4)i II Pupils whose management needs interfere with instruction to the extent that an additional adult, who is a paraprofessional, is needed.
f(4)ii III Pupils whose management needs are highly intensive and require a high degree of individualized instruction.
f(4)iii IV Pupils with severe multiple handicaps whose class consists primarily of habilitation and treatment, and require a staff person for every three pupils in a class.

Ancillary Space

Provide ancillary special education space equivalent to at least 1/4 of the area of a special education classroom for each special education classroom being constructed. This has the effect of providing an area equal to at least one classroom for each four special education classrooms being constructed.