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About the New York State Education Department

The New York State Education Department is part of the University of the State of New York (USNY), one of the most complete, interconnected systems of educational services in the United States.

Our mission is to raise the knowledge, skill, and opportunity of all the people in New York. Our vision is to provide leadership for a system that yields the best educated people in the world.

Grade 3-8 ELA Preliminary Results 2023-24: Percent Scoring Proficient by Grade, NYS - Grade 3: 43%, Grade 4: 47% Grade 5: 44%, Grade 6: 44%, Grade 7: 50%, Grade 8: 52%, Grade 3-8: 46%

Main Branches

The State Education Department has the following main branches, each under the direction of the Commissioner of Education:

Office of P-12 Education (P-12)
The Office of P-12 Education oversees pre-K through 12th grade programs. The Office of P-12 Education has diverse responsibilities carried out by the P-12 Program Offices.

Office of Higher Education (OHE)
This division oversees colleges, universities and proprietary schools; is responsible for the certification of teachers and other school professionals; and oversees programs to improve teacher preparation and recruitment.

Office of Cultural Education (OCE)
OCE includes the State Archives, the State Library, the State Museum,  Office of Public Broadcasting Office and the Summer School of the Arts. These institutions are responsible for increasing the knowledge and information resources of State and local government, businesses, and individuals. The Office supports research, operates programs, and develops collections that serve the long-term interests of the institutions and residents of New York and support arts education for high-school students.

Office of Performance Improvement and Management Services (PIMS)
PIMS includes the offices of Information Technology, Facilities and Business Services, State Review Office and External Audits.

Chief Financial Office (CFO)
CFO includes the offices of Human Resources, Fiscal Services, Budget Coordination, Education Finance, Internal Audit and Internal Controls.

Office of Counsel

Office of the Professions (OP)
Since 1891, the Board of Regents and the New York State Education Department have overseen the preparation, licensure, and practice of the professions. Currently, the Office regulates forty-eight professions defined in Title VIII of the Education Law.

Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES)
The Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES) focuses on the education and employment needs of New York State's adults: Vocational Rehabilitation (including Independent Living Administration), Adult Education, High School Equivalency (HSE/GED®), and Career Schools.

Organization Chart

A high-level organization chart provides an overview of the relationship among these offices.