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Hillside Work Scholarship Connection uses $490,000 in funding from the New York State Department of Education to provide services to at-risk students in the Rochester City School District in our model program whose overachieving goal is student graduation. Our program also measures intermediate goals including:

  1. Improve academic performance, as evidenced by increased promotion, sufficient credits earned and/or timely graduation
  2. Improve attendance rates
  3. Decrease the rate of disciplinary referrals, as evidenced by a decrease in suspensions
  4. Increase the number of trained, job-ready students, as evidenced by active participation and completion of the Youth Employment Training Academy
  5. Increase employment, as evidenced by the number of students placed at employment sites



Federal Statute:       

Federal Regulation:

State Statute:            

State Regulation:     



State-                           $0.49m


Special Revenue-       

Total-                           $0.49m

Last updated
December 10, 2018 - 1:26pm