P3 Summer Institute
NYSED P3 Summer Institute 2019
Title: Building Capacity for P-3 Standards Implementation: Supporting all Students
Overall Goal:
Increase shared understanding about New York State's revised standards and how to effectively support young children's learning and development in the early grades through meaningful curriculum development and effective instructional strategies.
Conference Materials:
- Agenda/Program
- Workshop Descriptions
- College of Saint Rose Map
- Keynote Presentation: P-3 Alignment: Shared Vision, Multiple Approaches, Kristie Kauerz, Director, P-3 Center at the University of Colorado: Denver
- Summer Institute Evaluation Form
- Workshop Presentations and Materials
- Day 1
- Back to Basics: Getting Grounded in Effective P-3 Pedagogy
- Building on Learner Thinking: A Framework for Data-Driven Formative Assessment in Instruction
- Learning from Pre-K: Meeting the K-3 Standards through Inquiry Based Teaching
- P-3 Alignment: Getting Even More Specific
- Quality First Grade Environments and Instruction
- Quality Kindergarten Environments and Instruction
- Supporting a Teaching and Learning Culture through Adult SEL
- The New York State Kindergarten Learning Standards - A Resource for School Success
- The New York State Prekindergarten Learning Standards - A Resource for School Success
- Day 2
- Making it Systematic: P-3 Tool and Lessons Learned so Far
- P-3 Framework
- P-3 Tool (draft)
- Day 1
The New York State Education Department has revised standards across learning and development domains and has been working to focus attention on P3 as a specialized learning period. As the field builds awareness about the standards themselves, questions remain about ensuring developmentally appropriate, responsive and effective curriculum development and instruction while maintaining a rigorous, standards-based focus in P-3. This year's summer institute will provide focused attention on this area while building on P-3 systems work started in many districts last year.
- New York State Education Department, Office of Early Learning
- The City University of New York
- Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO)
- Northeast Comprehensive Center
- New York State Birth through Five Project (NYSB5)
- New York State Council on Children and Families