Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- New York State ESSA Plan
- 2024-2025 Consolidated Application for ESSA-Funded Programs
- Compliance and Data Reporting
- Annual Neglected and Delinquent Facility Resident Counts Survey
- Compliance Monitoring and Technical Assistance
- Equitable Services for Nonpublic Schools
- Financial Transparency
- NYS Public Data Reporting
- Title I, Part D CSPR Data Reporting Form
- Title III Compliance and Reporting
- Title IV, Part A CSPR Data Collection Survey
- ESSA Programs
- Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs
- Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children
- Title I, Part D - Neglected & Delinquent Education
- Title II, Part A - Supporting Effective Instruction
- Title III - Language Instruction for English Language Learners and Immigrant Students
- Title IV, Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment
- Title V, Part B - Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP)
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
- School and Educator Resources
- Parent Resources
- Assessment and Accountability Waivers
- Helpful Links
- News and Memos
- Webinars & Videos
- Stronger Connections Grant Program
ESSA Archive
This page provides archived information about New York State's efforts to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
- New York State’s ESSA Accountability State Plan Addendum for the 2021–2022 School Year
- USDE Approval Letter for New York State’s ESSA Accountability State Plan Addendum for the 2021–2022 School Year
- New York State's Approved Every Student Succeeds Act Plan
- New York State's Approved Every Student Succeeds Act Plan with tracked changes
- New York State’s Letter to the United States Department of Education (USDE) Summarizing Changes to the Every Student Succeeds Act Plan
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
The New York State Education Department requesting comments on three proposed waivers of statutory requirements of Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), for possible submission to the United States Department of Education in conjunction with New York’s ESSA plan. Comments can be submitted via e-mail to ESSAComments@nysed.gov with “ESSA Comments from (sender/organization name)” in the subject line. Comments submitted via mail should be sent to the attention of Dr. Lisa Long, New York State Education Department, Office of Accountability, 4th Floor, 55 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, New York 11217. Comments will be accepted through close of business on September 8, 2017.
Draft Waiver Request - Grade 7 HS Math and Grade 8 HS Science
Draft Waiver Request - Off Grade Testing for Students With Disabilities
Draft Waiver Request - ELA Testing Waiver for Second Year ELLs and MLLs
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
Proposed Changes Final Draft Plan - Commissioner's Presentation to the Board of Regents
State Dashboards Presentation Slides
Next Generation Assessment Systems Presentation Slides
Social, Emotional, Health, Mental Health, and Attendance Issues Presentation Slides
Stakeholder Feedback Analysis Presentation Slides
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
On December 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law by President Obama. This bipartisan measure reauthorized the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation’s national education law. The New York State Education Department has established an ESSA Think Tank that will assist the New York State Education Department (NYSED or “the Department”) with development of New York’s ESSA state plan, which we anticipate that the Department will be required to submit to the United States Department of Education (USDE) in early 2017.
ESSA retains many of the core provisions of No Child Left Behind (the previous reauthorization of ESEA) related to standards, assessments, accountability, and use of Federal funds. However, ESSA does provide states with much greater flexibility in many areas, including the methodologies for differentiating the performance of schools and the supports and interventions to provide when schools are in need of improvement. To meet the requirements of ESSA, New York will also be required to submit a new state plan to USDE for the use of a wide array of Federal grant programs, including Title IA (Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies, Title IB (State Assessment Grants, Title IC (Education of Migratory Children), Title ID (Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk), Title IIA (Supporting Effective Instruction), Title III (Supporting Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students), Title IVA (Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants), Title VB (Rural Education Initiative), and Title VI (Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native Education).
On May 26, 2016, the United States Department of Education (USDE) released draft regulations outlining state requirements for submission of a state accountability plan, and for implementing the provisions of the ESSA.
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
Summary: New York State's Draft ESSA Plan - Two Page Document
Comment on New York's ESSA plan in person at an ESSA Public Hearing
Comment via email at ESSAComments@nysed.gov
Comment via US Postal Service:
New York State Education Department
ATTN: ESSA Comments
Office of Accountability, Rm 400
55 Hanson Place
Brooklyn, New York 11217
Comment Period: Tuesday, May 9, 2017 - Friday, June 16, 2017
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
YOU MUST RSVP if you are interested in attending any of the ESSA Winter Regional Meetings. You will be at risk of not being able to participate, if you show up without first contacting the Meeting Organizer and RSVP'ing for the meeting(s) you wish to attend.
ESSA Winter Regional Meeting Participant Survey
ESSA Winter Regional Meeting Participants Please Complete This Survey
Possible Indicators of School Quality and/or Student Success Survey
Survey of School Quality and Student Success Indicators
ESSA-Encuesta-de-indicadores-de-calidad-de-las-escuelas-y-exito-de-los-estudiantes (Spanish)
学校质量和学生成功指标调查 (Chinese)
ستبيان مؤشرات جودة المدارس ونجاح الطالب (Arabic)
Schedule for Winter Regional Meetings
Winter Regional Meeting Schedule
Winter Regional Meeting Webinars
- Challenging Academic Standards & Assessments (2:58 minutes)
- Supporting English Language Learners (6 minutes)
- Supporting Excellent Educators (6 minutes with 10 second delay)
- Accountability Measurements & Methodologies
- Question 6 (6 minutes)
- Question 7 (11 minutes)
- Questions 8 & 9 (10 minutes)
- Questions 10, 11 & 12 (8 minutes)
- Supports and Improvements for Identified Schools (5 minutes)
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
Final ESSA Rulemaking related to Accountability, Reporting, and State Consolidated Applications
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
- Proposed Rule by the U.S. Department of Education: Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, As Amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act-Accountability and State Plans
- USDE Draft Rulemaking for Title I Supplement Not Supplant
- NYSED Webinar on Draft Rulemaking for Title I Supplement Not Supplant (Recording)
- NYSED Webinar Presentation on Draft Rulemaking for Title I Supplement Not Supplant
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
Board of Regents Meeting Presentations
- "Development of New York's ESSA State Plan" presentation from December 2016 Board of Regents meeting
- "Development of New York’s Every Student Succeeds Act State Plan" presentaton from November 2016 Board of Regents Meeting
- “ESSA and Equity - Opportunities to Close the Opportunity Gap” presentation from November 2016 Board of Regents Meeting
- “College and Career Readiness, Equity & ESSA” presentation from November 2016 Board of Regents Meeting
- ESSA Presentation at October 2016 Board of Regents Meeting
- Presentation made by Linda Darling Hammond to the Board of Regents in October 2016 on ESSA and Equity
- Presentation made by Michael Cohen to the Board of Regents in October 2016 on ESSA and College- and Career-Readiness
- ESSA Regents Item from July 2016 Board of Regents Meeting
- ESSA Presentation from July 2016 Board of Regents Meeting
- ESSA Presentation at May 2016 Board of Regents Meeting
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
- NYSED Letter to USDE on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – Comments on Title I-Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged-Supplement Not Supplant - Posted November 7, 2016
- NYSED Letter to USDE on ESSA Proposed Regulations Changes – Comments on Title I Academic Assessments - Posted September 9, 2016
- NYSED Letter to USDE on ESSA Proposed Regulations Changes – Comments on Accountability, Data Reporting, and State Plans - Posted August 1, 2016
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
- USDE’s non-regulatory guidance on Equitable Services
- Louisiana’s ESSA Framework
- National Council for Measurement in Education’s Position Statement on Student Participation in State Assessments (Note: The Council accepted comments from its members on the statement through 12/10/2016).
- Center for Standards and Assessment Report: Review of State Accountability Systems that Also Include a Growth Model
- Center for Standards and Assessment Report: School Quality Indicators Scan
- Student Growth Simulator
This archived information is available for informational purposes only.
Draft Guiding Principles
- Draft Guiding Principles
Draft Characteristics of Highly Effective Schools
- Draft Characteristics of Highly Effective Schools
High Concept Ideas
- High Concept Ideas
High Concept Idea Summaries
- Support and Improvements for Schools
- Accountability Measurements and Methodology
- Challenging Academic Standards and Assessments
- Supporting All Students
- Supporting Excellent Educators
- Supporting English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners