E-Rate |
edtech@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5461 |
Early Childhood Direction Centers (Special Education) |
(518) 486-7462 |
Early Learning |
oel@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5807 |
Education Finance |
Education Policy (P-12 and Higher Education) |
NYSEDP20@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3862 |
Education Television & Public Broadcasting |
etvpbweb@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5862 |
Educational Data and Statistics |
Educational Design and Technology |
edtech@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5461 |
Educational Management Services |
emscmgts@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-6541 |
Educational Technology |
edtech@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5461 |
Eisenhower Professional Development |
(518) 473-7155 |
Emergency Assistance to Nonpublic Schools Program (EANS) |
EANS@nysed.gov |
Emergency Drills |
SafetyPlans@nysed.gov |
(518) 486-6090 |
Emergency Immigrant Education Program (EIEP) |
obefls@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-8775 |
Employment Opportunities |
(518) 474-5215 |
Employment Preparation Education (EPE) |
BPSS@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3969 |
Employment Preparation Education (EPE) |
EngageNY |
engagenysupport@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5461 |
Engineering (Licensed Profession) |
enginbd@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3817 ext. 140 |
English and Reading Education |
(518) 474-5922 |
English as a New Language |
OBEWL@nysed.gov |
OBEWL Albany number: (518) 474-8775 |
English as a Second Language (ESL): K-12 |
obefls@nysed.gov |
Upstate: (518) 474-8775 |
English as a Second Language (ESL): K-12 |
obefls@nysed.gov |
NYC: (718) 722-2632 |
English for Speakers of Other Languages (Adult) |
AEPP@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-8940 |
English Language Arts |
emscurric@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5922 |
Environmental Education |
emscfp@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5922 |
Environmental Health and Safety |
emscfp@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3906 |
Erin's Law |
emscurric@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5922 |
ESSA Plan |
accountinfo@nysed.gov |
(718) 722-4553 |
ESSA Title I, Part A - Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs |
(518) 473-0295 |
ESSA Title I, Part C - Migrant Education |
(518) 473-0295 |
ESSA Title I, Part D - Neglected & Delinquent Education |
ND@nysed.gov |
(518) 473-0295 |
ESSA Title II, Part A - Supporting Effective Instruction |
(518) 473-0295 |
ESSA Title III - Language Instruction for English Language Learners and Immigrant Students |
(518) 474-8775 (Albany) |
ESSA Title III - Language Instruction for English Language Learners and Immigrant Students |
(718) 722-2445 (NYC) |
ESSA Title IV, Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment |
(518) 473-0295 |
ESSA Title IX, Part A - Education for Homeless Children and Youths |
(518) 473-0295 |
ESSA Title V, Part B - Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) |
(518) 473-0295 |
ESSA Title VI (Formerly Chapter 2) |
(518) 473-7155 |
ESSA Title VII - Bilingual Education |
(518) 474-8775 |
ESSA Title VII - Bilingual Education in NYC Schools |
(718) 722-2747 |
Excelsior Scholars Program |
Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention |
StudentSupportServices@nysed.gov |
(518) 486-6090 |