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Index A-Z

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Name Email Phone
Variances to Part 100 of Commissioner's Regulations - Public/Nonpublic Schools (518) 474-5922
Variances to Part 175 of Commissioner's Regulations (518) 474-2977
Variances/Innovative Waivers to Part 200 of Commissioner's Regulations (518) 473-1185
Vendors (518) 486-6585
Veterans' High School Diplomas Operation Recognition (518) 474-8940
Veterinary Medicine (Licensed Profression) (518) 474-3817 ext. 210
Violence Prevention in Schools (518) 486-6090
Violent and Disruptive Incidents Report (VADIR) (518) 486-6090
Virtual Exhibits (New York State Library)
Visual Arts Education (518) 474-5922
Vocational and Technical Education Act (VTEA) Grants (518) 474-5313
Vocational and Technical Education Act (VTEA) Performance Standards (518) 474-5091
Vocational Education Grants (518) 486-1547
Vocational Rehabilitation Policy and State Plans (518) 474-3946
Voluntary Registered Nursery Schools & Kindergartens (Nonpublic) (518) 474-5807