Participating in Your Child's Education
How can we as parents/guardians support our children?
- Read to your child in his or her home/primary language and/or English. Research shows that reading to your child in your home/primary language will help support English literacy skills.
- Tell stories to your child in your home/primary language. Talk about your own childhood or things you remember from the past.
- Show your child that you value your home/primary language. Speak to him or her in that language even if he or she responds in English.
- Get a library card for your child, go to the library, and borrow books in English or in your home/primary language, if available.
- Be sure to attend parent-teacher conferences scheduled by your school.
- Schedule an individual meeting with your child’s teacher to learn about specific ways that you can help your child succeed.
- Schedule time every day for your child to do homework and, if possible, provide a quiet place, free from distractions, where he or she can work.
- Plan family outings to museums. Guides at the museum can help you navigate an exhibit with your child. In addition, museums often offer inexpensive and/or free enrichment classes after school or on weekends.
- In the United States, parents are an integral part of the education system. Ask your child’s teacher how you can participate.
- Know your rights. Please see the Parents’ Bill of Rights for New York State’s English Language Learners.
What Parents of ELLs and MLs Should Know to Ensure Their Child Graduates From High School
This presentation will help parents learn about the educational system in New York State (NYS), particularly in high schools. Parents will learn about High School organizations, expectations for High School students, and High School graduation requirements.
Parents with Information are the Best Advocates for their children. For questions and concerns about ELL Services, please contact or 800-469-8224.