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Microsoft Office

Creating accessible documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with Microsoft Office 2016

Create accessible Office files so individuals with disabilities can read and use your files. Learn how to create accessible Word documents by adding alternative text to images and objects, organizing content to be easily read by screen readers, including captions for audio and video files, and more. Also, learn about creating accessible Excel files including alternative text for images and objects and how to specify table headers.

Check documents for accessibility - With the click of a button in Word 2016, Excel 2016, and PowerPoint 2016 you can scan a document, spreadsheet, or presentation to identify areas that may be problematic for users with disabilities to view or use. The feature, called "Accessibility Checker," helps you create more accessible content by highlighting and explaining accessibility issues, so they can be fixed before the content is finalized.

Creating an accessible Microsoft Office document will greatly help in the creation of an accessible PDF file. Each section contains tips, checklists, how-tos and standards.

Please Note: If, after reviewing these tools, you still have questions about the web accessibility procedures, you may contact your Web Content Manager or the SED Help Desk. You may also submit your question to the NYSED Web Accessibility Support Forum.