Grants Management Fit Gap Analysis
Important Update: The due date for bids for this procurement has been changed from May 14, 2019 to May 21, 2019 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.
Grants Management Fit Gap Analysis - Mini-Bid PBITS #19-001
Attachment 1: Financial Proposal
Attachment 2: Contractor References
Attachment 3: Administrative Response
Attachment 4: NYSED PBITS Checklist and Forms
Appendix A: NYSED Information Protection Agreement
PBITS 19-001 Questions and Answers posted 4/30/2019
The NYSED Grants Finance office is soliciting responses to this Mini-Bid to conduct a Fit/Gap Analysis of business requirements vs. functionality of existing Statewide systems including the New York State Grants Gateway and the Statewide Financial System (SFS).
The Grants Finance office is responsible for the financial management of approximately $3.8B in grant funding annually resulting in upwards of approximately 25,000 voucher payments per year. These transactions are initiated through a paper submission and approval process in NYSED. The purpose of this Mini-Bid is to help document the business needs of the Department and determine if each need can currently be met by the NYS Grants Gateway or SFS.
This Mini-Bid is being distributed to the Contractors awarded under Lot # 2 to acquire Project Based Information Technology (IT) Consulting Services for NYSED, an Authorized User of OGS Centralized Contract Award 22772 on a fixed-price basis.
The purpose of this Mini-Bid is to obtain Proposals for the Grants Management Fit Gap Analysis project as detailed in this document and any attachments that may be included.
- Responses will only be accepted from Contractors listed under Award #22772, Lot # 2.
- Responses which include pricing in excess of the “maximum Not-To-Exceed price” must be rejected by the Authorized User.
The contract issued pursuant to this proposal will be awarded to the vendor whose aggregate technical and cost score is the highest among all the proposals rated. NYSED will make one award.
Proposal Transmittal Instructions:
Please complete, attach, and email the documentation referenced in Section 4.0 - Contractor Response to CAU@NYSED.GOV by the response due date of May 21, 2019. Please include the Mini-Bid reference number PBITS #19-001 in the subject line. If the bidders proposal is sent to an email address other than CAU@NYSED.GOV or which fails to include the required reference number in the subject line will be ignored. Please DO NOT send questions to CAU@NYSED.GOV.