NYSED School Library Program Rubric
Research shows that one of the chief characteristics of a high performing school is a quality library program. Based upon this research, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) supports efforts by districts, schools, and communities throughout the State in building and supporting strong school library programs.
To assist in these efforts, NYSED has partnered with New York State school librarians, administrators, BOCES representatives, and members of library professional organizations, to update School Library Program (SLP) Rubric. This rubric is intended to be a helpful self-assessment instrument to support the school library program. The updated rubric identifies six foundational values and 27 essential elements for quality school library programs. The School Library Program rubric is not required for use in schools, but is provided as a resource for schools, districts, or School Library Systems to use in developing, improving, and running strong school library programs.