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Computer Science and Digital Fluency

For New York State students to lead productive and successful lives upon graduation, they must understand and know how to use digital technologies.  Technology knowledge and skills are vital for full participation in 21st Century life, work, and citizenship.
In 2018, a law was passed requiring the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to create a workgroup and present draft NYS K-12 Computer Science Learning Standards to the Commissioner of Education and the Board of Regents for approval.

Vision for the Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards

Every student will know how to live productively and safely in a technology-dominated world.  This includes understanding the essential features of digital technologies, why and how they work, and how to communicate and create using those technologies.

The Standards reflect the expertise, deep thinking, advocacy, and hard work of many New York State educators, administrators, parents, and representatives of professional organizations.  The related areas of computer science and digital fluency have been combined under one “umbrella” to create a comprehensive, cohesive set of learning standards that represent the essential knowledge and skills in these areas that students should possess upon graduation in order to be successful in college, careers, and citizenship in the 21st Century.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Educational Design and Technology at