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Biennial Review of Shared Decision Making

Section 100.11 of Commissioner’s Regulations requires school districts and BOCES to biennially review their school-based planning and shared decision making plans and to keep the results of the review on file and available for review. Regulations also require districts and BOCES to submit information about the review to the State Education Department.

Following your board of education's endorsement of the biennial review, please complete this form and click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page.

Part 1: District/BOCES Information
Contact Information
Required phone number format: 555-555-1234
Part 2: Shared Decision Making Plan Information

Districts are required to make their shared decision plans publicly available. Please provide the web address/URL of your district's plan below.

Please enter the web address including http:// or https:// with the URL. (e.g.,

Statement of Assurances

By submitting this form to the State Education Department, the President of the Board of Education of this School District or BOCES assures that the district’s (or BOCES’) plan for the participation of teachers and parents with administrators and school board members in school-based planning and shared decision making was amended and has been placed on file at the district office with amendments underlined.

Electronic submission affirms that the board of education reviewed the district plan previously adopted and submitted to the Commissioner for approval. The amended plan was adopted at a public meeting, after consultations with and full participation by the district committee convened for the purpose of the biennial review as required by CR 100.1(b), (d), and (f), and after seeking the endorsement of the following representatives of the committee:

  • the superintendent of schools (or BOCES district superintendent);
  • administrators selected, where represented, by the administrators’ collective bargaining organization;
  • teachers selected by the teachers’ collective bargaining organization; and,
  • parents (not employed by the district or a collective bargaining organization representing teachers or administrators in the district [or BOCES] selected by a school-related parent organization(s) or, where no such organization(s) exists, by their peers under a process developed by the board of education.)

The amended plan incorporates all of the components listed in CR 100.11(c). As required by CR 100.11(f) the statement of success reflects the 6 required parts of the plan and the planning success indicators. The amended plan has been made available to the public, and has been filed with the local or BOCES District Superintendent.

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