Main Information Page
Welcome to the NYSED SEDREF information page. From this page, you can find information about the system data, use the dynamic reports, and find who to contact for changes.
SEDREF REPORTS (data refreshed nightly) -
New COGNOS reports are now available for use. These new reports have replaced the old Discoverer reports.
Please read through these instructions for Accessing SEDREF General Reports in COGNOS, try out the reports and if you have further questions, you may contact .
As you will see explained in the instructions, you may open a report by clicking on the name of the report as a quick view. Otherwise, there are 4 types of output for each of the reports available on the right side of the page.
This link will bring you to dynamically built SEDREF COGNOS reports.
These reports contain data such as:
Institution contact info - phone, fax, email, URL
Administrative contact info - phone, fax, email, URL
Physical & mailing addresses along with GIS info for Institutions
Also available: reports separating institutions by different categories
- Active/Inactive Institutions
- Institution Type and Subtype
- Schools by Grade Organization and more...
- Please be aware these reports use pop ups - so adjust your browser settings accordingly (follow instructions at end of document listed above)
- These reports are accessible via Microsoft IE, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari & Google Chrome
- Please remember to come back and re-run a report each time you need it since the database is refreshed nightly and information changes frequently.
- Due to the large size of some of these reports, please be patient while the data is dynamically pulled from the Database.
Descriptions for various codes and information on SEDREF
Federal Funds - New update as of April 26, 2018 on the Federal Reporting Guidance and Information link below!
If your agency receives federal funds, or wishes to do so, please refer to the following site for information and guidance with regards to Federal Reporting requirements at NYSED: Federal Reporting Guidance and Information
If you are a representative from a School District, Public School, Nonpublic School, Charter School, BOCES, or RIC and you need to contact SED for a change in your contact information (including Director of Special Ed), or for a BOCES virtual location, please proceed as follows:
- For Nonpublic School CFO information, the change must be captured on this CFO form [Word file] (38.5 KB) or this CFO form in PDF [PDF file] and emailed.
- For all other contact info changes, including CEO, for the above types of Institutions, a change request must be made via a formal communication on the Institution's letterhead and must include the following:
- School BEDS code
- email address and phone number of the new individual
- effective date of the change
- signature of current superintendent or principal
Please email the request to .*These changes will no longer be accepted via phone.*
- For questions, please call the Office of Information and Reporting at (518) 474-7965.
Please use this link for the main Institution search page:$.startup
The links below are for SEDREF clarification.