Early Learning

This is a reminder that all State Funded Prekindergarten Grantees (i.e., SUFDPK, TPK and UPK) must request prior approval from the Department for certain types of changes to a budget. These requests must be submitted directly to the Office of Early Learning using the FS-10A Form. Amendments that are approved programmatically are then forwarded to Grants Finance where the necessary changes will be made to Grants Finance records. The following changes to a budget require an amendment to a grantee’s original budget (FS-10.)
- An increase in any budget category/code (salaries, purchased services, travel, etc.) by more than 10 percent or $1,000, whichever is greater
- An increase in the total budget amount
- Addition of equipment (items having a unit value of $5,000 or more and a useful life of more than one year, number and type)
- Material changes to personnel positions (even those with no fiscal impact)
- Addition of minor remodeling
- Addition of indirect costs if not approved on original project budget
The date of receipt of an amendment is the earliest possible funding date for encumbrances based on that amendment. Amendments may not be submitted after the grant's end date or with the FS10-F/Final Expenditure Report. For SUFDPK, TPK and UPK grants, the grant end date is June 30, 2021. As child count extracts affect enrollment-based funding, grantees may need to make changes to their budgets. Considering the final child count pull date of June 4, 2021, is only twenty-six days before the project end date, the Office of Early Learning intends to allow grantees to request an extension, provided that FS-10-As are received before July 16, 2021.
Questions regarding this memo may be directed to the Office of Early Learning at OEL@nysed.gov.