Career and Technical Education (CTE)

In September 2017, the Board of Regents voted to amend section 100.4 of Commissioner’s Regulations regarding the middle-level CTE requirement. Prior to 2017, all schools in New York were required to provide 1 unit of study (40 weeks) of technology education and ¾ unit of study (30 weeks) of family and consumer sciences (FACS) at the middle level.
Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, the above regulation was modified to allow the 1 ¾ unit of study CTE requirement at the middle level to be met by instruction in any CTE discipline as long as the course was taught by an appropriately certified CTE teacher as defined in section 100.1 of regulations (agriculture, business, FACS, health sciences, technology, and trade/technical subjects).
It is important to note that while any New York State certified CTE teacher can teach courses at the middle-level to meet the requirements, teachers can only teach the content area and grade levels in which they are certified. They cannot teach outside of their CTE content area (Example: a FACS-certified teacher cannot teach technology; a business-certified teacher cannot teach health sciences, etc.). It is the expectation that all courses are taught by the appropriately certified teacher with the requisite expertise in the content delivered.
The Department has developed middle level specific curricular resources in all six CTE disciplines which can be found at:
If you have any questions regarding the Middle Level CTE requirement, please contact the Office of Career and Technical Education at 518-486-1547 or by e-mail at