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Transportation: Unkechaug Nation to and from Center Moriches Union Free Schools

IFB #19-003


Thursday, January 23, 2020
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi interdum nunc nec ornare vehicula. Sed rutrum neque id suscipit pharetra. Nunc quis turpis porta, auctor odio eget, venenatis risus. Ut ultricies nibh vel pharetra interdum. Curabitur ultrices nisl velit, condimentum rutrum dui viverra a. Nullam rutrum at quam ac auctor. Pellentesque efficitur eu ligula sit amet accumsan. Cras tempor sem nulla, at faucibus dui dignissim a. Ut non lacus in neque rutrum accumsan. Donec ac ultrices elit. Quisque pretium hendrerit odio, ac consequat quam rhoncus a. Proin gravida, nisi nec ullamcorper scelerisque, lorem massa eleifend est, vel vestibulum sem ipsum nec nisl. Duis mattis pharetra sem ultrices convallis.

Important Dates

Date Posted: 
January 23, 2020
Questions Posted: 
April 2, 2020
Questions Deadline: 
February 4, 2020
Application Due Date: 
02/23/2020 - 9:15am
Project Period: 
January 23, 2020

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is seeking bids for the transportation of certain Native American pupils from the Unkechaug Indian Nation to and from school buildings in the Center Moriches Union Free School District, BOCES sites and certain other locations as determined by the Committee on Special Education or other Center Moriches Union Free School District offices, with the approval of NYSED. The transportation to be provided must include but is not limited to regular school year home to school transportation, including late busing, as well as summer school transportation. Transportation will also be provided for children with disabilities and/or students with academic interventions who may require abbreviated school days. Eligible applicants include private bus companies, motor coach companies and school districts who have demonstrated expertise in the area of school bus transportation. NYSED will award one (1) contract with a term of five (5) years. The contract will run from September 1, 2019 – August 31, 2024. Transportation will be provided for the 2019-20 through 2023-24 school years, including summer school sessions as needed. Subcontracting is not allowed for this contract; services must be provided by the bidding organization.

Subcontracting/Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE)

There are no M/WBE goals for this IFB. However, as part of NYSED's commitment to utilizing M/WBE firms, NYSED strongly encourages bidders to use New York State certified M/WBE firms as suppliers to the greatest extent possible.

Mandatory Requirements

The vendor must agree to all specifications outlined in the IFB. This includes signing the Mandatory Requirements Certification located in 5.) Submission Documents.

IFB Components

Components contained in IFB#19-003 are as follows:

  1. Description Of Services To Be Performed
  2. Submission
  3. Evaluation Criteria and Method of Award
  4. Assurances
  5. Submission Documents (separate document)
Questions Description

Questions and Answers – Posted 5/14/19

Questions regarding this IFB must be submitted by E-mail to no later than the close of business May 7, 2019. Questions should be identified as either Program or Fiscal. A Questions and Answers Summary will be posted here no later than May 14, 2019.

Contact Information for Questions
Program Matters
Fiscal Matters

Clarissa Jacobs-Roraback

Adam Kutryb

Submission Instructions

The following documents must be received at NYSED no later than May 282019 by 3:00 PM

  1. Submission Documents including Cost Proposal – Two (2) copies (one bearing an original signature) of all documentation referenced in Attachment G located in 5.) Submission Documents.

  2. A copy of all documents must also be submitted in Microsoft Office on CD-ROM or Flash Drive.

The mailing address for all the above documentation is:

NYS Education Department
Bureau of Fiscal Management
Attn: Adam Kutryb IFB #19-003
Contract Administration Unit, Room 501W EB
89 Washington Avenue 
Albany, NY 12234

(Facsimile copies of the proposals are NOT acceptable)

Submit each of the following documents in a sealed envelope labeled “Submission Documents for IFB #19-003 Do Not Open”:

  • All Submission Documents including cost proposal for IFB #19-003
  • A copy of all documents in Microsoft Office on CD-ROM labeled CD-ROM/Flash Drive-IFB #19-003
NYSED Contacts
Program Matters
Fiscal Matters
Invitation for Bids (IFBs)