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Implementation Schedule for New Regents Examinations in Mathematics, Science, and English Language Arts

January 20, 2023

The Implementation Schedule for New Regents Examinations in Mathematics, Science, and English Language Arts memo details the schedule for new Regents Examinations in mathematics, science, and English language arts. A table detailing the first and last administration of each Regents Examination in mathematics, science, and English language arts is provided in the memo, and materials for each new exam, including an educator guide, will be made available during the school year prior to the first administration of that exam.

The learning standards and supporting materials for each subject area have been available for several years to allow for professional learning activities, and instructional timelines are available on the following webpages:

Questions about the learning standards should be directed to the Office of Standards and Instruction at Questions about the Regents Examinations may be sent to the Office of State Assessment at