Build the Learning Environment: Staffing
Update December 2020:
This web page is a companion to the 2016 version of the School Library Program Rubric. NYSED released an updated School Library Program Rubric in December 2020.
Student Snapshot: Student learning is increased through access to certified library media specialists and well qualified support staff.
The American Association of School Librarians states, “a well-educated library degreed [New York State certified] professional staff, supported by technical and clerical staff, is crucial to build effective school library programs.”
Source: American Association for School Librarians. "Position Statement on Appropriate Staffing for School Libraries." American Association of School Librarians, June 2014.
Citation for Photo: Johns, Sara Kelly. 2016. Flickr.
This web page features a photo with permission to use from Sara Kelly Johns.
In Practice
An Open Letter to Principals (Before You Hire A New School Librarian)
Description: School library media coordinator Jennifer LaGarde emphasizes the importance of choosing a new school librarian, reminding principals of the role they play in every student’s education. She recommends qualities of a good applicant, ways to support a new hire, and interview questions to ask.
Resource/Citation: LaGarde, Jennifer. "An Open Letter To Principals (Before You Hire A New School Librarian)”. The Adventures of Library Girl, 25 May 2015.
New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
Description: New York State Commissioner’s of Education Rules and Regulations Section 91.2, Employment of school library media specialist
Resource/Citation: “New York Codes, Rules and Regulations: 8 NYCRR 91.2. Employment of school library media specialist”. New York State Education Department.
Creating the Future: a 2020 Vision Plan for Library Service in New York State : Recommendations of the New York State Regents Advisory Council on Libraries to the New York State Board of Regents
Description: NYS Board of Regents Policy statements on the importance of school librarians in every school 2020 Vision and Plan for Library Service.
Resource/Citation: New York State Regents Advisory Council on Libraries. “Creating the Future: a 2020 Vision Plan for Library Service in New York State: Recommendations of the New York State Regents Advisory Council on Libraries to the New York State Board of Regents”. New York State Education Department, 30 April 2013.
School Administrator’s Guide to Hiring and Retaining Highly Qualified Librarians
Description: A collection of resources to assist school administrators in hiring highly qualified librarians. Link directs you to interview questions and rubrics; the other resources are specific to the state of Texas.
Resource/Citation: Texas Association of School Library Administrators. “School Administrator’s Guide to Hiring and Retaining Highly Qualified Librarians. Texas Association of School Library Administrators”. Texas Association of School Library Administrators.
Staffing Has Been Cut...Now What Do You Do?
Description: The author discusses discuss some of the things learned about coping with staff cuts, both from good choices and from naïve choices.
Resource/Citation: Fontichiaro, Kristin. "Staffing Has Been Cut...Now What Do You Do?" School Library Media Activities Monthly, vol. 24, no. 8, 2008, pp. 28-30. ERIC.
In Theory
Demonstrating the Essential Role of the School Librarian
Description: The article discusses the advocacy materials available on the American Association of School Librarians' (AASL) Learning4Life (L4L) website that demonstrate the important role school librarians play in supporting and instructing teachers and students.
*Resource/Citation: Heindel, Maegan Coffin, Kathleen Riopelle Roberts, Amy Jo Southworth, and Stephanie A. Thomas. "Demonstrating the essential role of the school librarian." Knowledge Quest, vol. 42, no. 3, 2014, p. 74
School Library Impact Studies - A Review of Findings and Guide to Sources
Description: The studies examine the positive effect of access to books; the effects of poverty on reading achievement; finds that the level of library funding, staffing levels, collection size and range, and the instructional role of the librarian have a direct impact on student achievement. Speaks to the importance of staffing with certified librarians who play an important role in teaching critical thinking skills, leading the way for technology use, and inspiring literacy.
Citation: Gretes, Frances. “School Library Impact Studies: A Review of Findings and Guide to Sources”. Gretes Research Services, 12 August 2013.
Policy Statement on the Importance of Certified School Librarians
Description: This statement from the National Forum on Information Literacy speaks to the issue that information literacy competency training is best when provided through the leadership of school librarians.
Resoruce/Citation: National Forum on Information Literacy. "NFIL Policy Statement – School Librarians." Web log post. National Forum on Information Literacy,11 Dec. 2014.
Change in School Librarian Staffing Linked with Change in CSAP Reading Performance, 2005 to 2011
Description: Schools that either maintained or gained an endorsed librarian between 2005 and 2011 tended to have more students scoring ‘advanced’ in reading in 2011 and have increased their performance more than schools that either lost their librarians or never had one.
Citation: Lance, Keith Curry, and Linda Hofschire. “Change in School Librarian Staffing Linked with Change in CSAP Reading Performance, 2005 to 2011”. Library Research Service, Jan. 2012.
How Pennsylvania School Libraries Pay Off: Investments in Student Achievement and Academic Standards
Description: The Pennsylvania School Librarian Association Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership research grant specifies what school library infrastructure contributes most to student achievement, the costs and benefits associated with it, and what’s needed to develop students with 21st-century learning skills.
Citation: Lance, Keith Curry, and Bill Schwarz. “How Pennsylvania School Libraries Pay Off: Investments in Student Achievement and Academic Standards”. PA School Library Project, October 2012.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, a Dozen Messages from the New York Common Core Crier
Description: The article discusses New York's adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). It cites the paradigm shifts in the CCSS focused by school librarians including researching to build and presented knowledge. Also discussed are the achievements of the New York State Education Department as it received the Race to the Top (RttT) fund and some good instructional paradigm shifts that school librarians and educators can adopt.
*Resource/Citation: Jaeger, Paige. “Hear Ye, Hear Ye, a Dozen Messages from the New York Common Core Crier”. Knowledge Quest, vol. 42, no. 3, 2014,
Name: John P. Brock
Bio: John is an Associate in School Library Services on the Educational Design and Technology team at the New York State Education Department.
*To access restricted database articles speak with your school librarian or public librarian.