CF760                           FEDERAL AND STATE GRANT STATUS REPORT                                                               
The Federal and State Grants Status Report provides information on current year                                                     
projects and any open prior years' projects which have been received and logged by                                                  
the New York State Education Department.  Please use this report to reconcile your                                                  
grant records.  Report fields are defined as follows:                                                                               
PROJECT #          - The # assigned by SED at the time of approval.                                                                 
CONTRACT #         - For projects running through the grant contract process, the                                                   
                     New York State contract number will be listed.                                                                 
FUNDING SOURCE     - The name of the grant program.                                                                                 
SCHEDULED/         - The total amount of payments processed including scheduled                                                     
PAID TO DATE         but not paid.  An asterisk (*) indicates that the Final                                                        
                     Expenditure Report (FS-10-F) has been received.  If the FS-10-F has                                            
                     been reviewed and closed, the Paid-to-Date will equal the budget.                                              
                     Projects UNDER REVIEW are those budgets that (1) are still being                                               
                     reviewed by the Program Office & have not been received & logged by                                            
                     Grants Finance;or (2) are still awaiting additional internal/external                                          
                     approvals before being released for processing. The project will                                               
                     continue to show as UNDER REVIEW until the Program Office either                                               
                     approves the application and forwards the budget to Grants Finance                                             
                     or disapproves the budget (disapproved projects are not displayed on                                           
                     this report) or all required approvals are received.                                                           
START/END          - The funding dates of the project, including any extensions.                                                    
                     Funding dates are the dates in which project encumbrances can be made.                                         
SED CODE:     441600010000                                                                                                          
AGENCY NAME:  NEWBURGH CITY SD                                         RUN DATE: 04/24/24                                           
                                     2024 PROJECTS                                                                                  
  PROJECT #  CONTRACT #  FUNDING SOURCE         BUDGET     PAID TO DATE    START     END                                            
  0011242106             TITLE I, SCHOOL IM       573,295       114,656  09/01/23  08/31/24                                         
  0011248106             TITLE I, SCHOOL IM        40,000  UNDER REVIEW                                                             
  0021242275             TITLE I-PT A-IMPRO     4,231,423     1,191,279  09/01/23  08/31/24                                         
  0032240691             IDEA-PART B, SECTI     3,081,845       908,195  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  0033240691             IDEA-PART B, SECTI        76,474        15,294  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  0147242275             TITLE IIA,TEACH/PR       425,086        85,017  09/01/23  08/31/24                                         
  0187248021             21ST CENTURY COMMU       926,918       185,383  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  0204242275             TITLE IV ALLOCATIO       336,976        75,665  09/01/23  08/31/24                                         
  0409247411             UNIVERSAL PRE-K        2,853,331     1,426,665  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  0425240068             TEACHER CENTERS           56,227        38,266  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  0442241102             EARLY COLLEGE HS-S       250,000        62,500  09/01/23  08/31/24                                         
  0527240057             MY BROTHER'S KEEPE       125,000        31,250  09/01/23  08/31/24                                         
  0528243025             MY BROTHER'S KEEPE       300,000        75,000  09/01/23  08/31/24                                         
  0532240007             MY BROTHER'S KEEPE        23,800         5,950  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  0545242104             STATEWIDE UNIVERSA     2,859,484       714,871  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  0639240009             PATHWAYS IN TECH E       896,128       224,032  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  0644240025             TEACHERS OF TOMORR        78,000        39,000  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  0647240111             LEARNING TECHNOLOG       100,000        25,000  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
  8000240041             PERKINS IV/CTEIA -       182,679        36,535  07/01/23  06/30/24                                         
                              OPEN PROJECTS 2023 AND PRIOR                                                                          
  5212213017             ARP HOMELESS I            82,505        35,826  03/13/20  09/30/24                                         
  5218212275             ARP HOMELESS II          180,003        36,000  03/13/20  09/30/24                                         
  5219212275             ARP HOMELESS II SL        39,315         7,863  03/13/20  09/30/24                                         
  5880212275             ARP ESSER 3           28,699,801    12,062,454  03/13/20  09/30/24                                         
  5882212275             ARP SLR SUMMER ENR     1,428,600       391,497  03/13/20  09/30/24                                         
  5883212275             ARP SLR COMPREHENS     1,428,600       352,737  03/13/20  09/30/24                                         
  5884212275             ARP SLR LEARNING L     7,142,800     1,525,962  03/13/20  09/30/24                                         
  TOTAL                                        56,418,290    19,666,897                                                             
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FOR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT VIA EMAIL GRANTSWEB@NYSED.GOV OR PHONE 518-474-4815